Maria-Iris Hoeppe
Master coach profesionist specializat in lucrul cu companii,performeri, top manageri si antreprenori
To cope with the new reality, companies are moving away from traditional command and control practices to something different: a transformational manager-coach model, in which managers provide support to stimulate creativity, responsibility, commitment, empowerment, rather than imposing. and give instructions. This creates a fertile context in which energy is generated from within and innovation and commitment increase.
That is why these workshops are so useful for leaders who want to evolve in the way they manage to increase the empowerment and responsibility of their people.
As a trainer, master coach and mentor coach, my vision is to contribute through my professional training work to a number of 10,000 leaders in Romania so that they are transformational managers, masters of unleashing the potential of their teams through coaching skills, practicing the role of manager-coach.
With relevant experience both in business and in coaching and training, I facilitate a well-structured, fast, and easily assimilable learning experience. I guarantee the acquisition of these skills, their fixation and the fact that you will be able to use them for the rest of your life, simple and beneficial.
Leaders often face the question, "How can I help the person I work with be better?" Because, as we already know, the role of a leader is to produce results through people and to grow leaders around him.
People come to us, the leaders, for so many purposes: to share (problems, blockages, frustrations), to give explanations, to give lessons, to pay policies, to demand accountability, to announce victories, to receive praise, to make complaints. And most often we notice that they come because they are waiting for a solution from us.
And if we give it to them, even though we consider it to be the best, somehow they don't take it, don't apply it or don't assume it 100%. Why ? Because there is no personal involvement in the process of finding that solution. Where there is no involvement in finding the solution, the empowerment cannot be 100%.
Until about 10 years ago, the "command and control" management model still worked. But the model loses its effectiveness. On the one hand, because 40% of the total workforce is represented by millenials (35%) and post-millenials (5%). And on the other hand, given the increasing complexity of the business context and the speed with which things are changing, today's managers simply do not have (and cannot!) Have all the right answers.
As a basic concept, coaching is a partnership with the coachee in a creative and thought-provoking process, in order to inspire the interlocutor in maximizing personal and professional potential. And, equally, coaching is also a leadership tool, more precisely a form of support through which the leader assumes the role of coach (leader-coach) and leads the discussion with his subordinate or colleague, employer, through a challenging process. intellectual, intense, open and inclusive, starting from the clarification of the objective, to finding a solution and ending with the realization of an action plan.
Assuming the role of manager coach and practicing transformational leadership, versus transactional, involves learning new working methods, as well as changing some paradigms in personal management. Although challenging at first, the change brings significant results in a few months. According to a Harvard study, conducted in 2018, conducted in 100 companies that had adopted a coaching culture, the following developments were found:

1. This training is extremely useful for any leader who wants to lead transformatively, involve the team more in finding solutions, and who wants to better manage their own energy level, consuming less in "doing instead of others, or always showing how to do it "and shifting the focus more to" being and developing ".
2. The manager will train in this workshop in learning new paradigms, learning from the thinking patterns of a Coach, practicing how to honor his subordinate as an expert of his own life and profession - and as a creative, complete and full of resources.
3. The coach leader learns to:
• supports subordinates in working consistently on goals,
• encourage subordinates in the process of self-discovery,
• challenges subordinates in finding their own solutions and strategies,
• maintains the level of accountability of subordinates.
4. These tools help leaders to significantly improve their perspective on
their own behaviors, and at the same time, to make the most of their potential.
5. Improving the quality of relations between leaders and their subordinates.
6. All of the above are likely to directly impact talent retention, business growth and profitability.