Maria-Iris Hoeppe
Master coach profesionist specializat in lucrul cu companii,performeri, top manageri si antreprenori
Focusing on transformational processes, meant to bring other benefits to the business, always comes with challenges to make change happen by transforming people, first and foremost. We usually work as cross-cutting teams, and we provide coaching and guidance to C-level clients, on what they need to address and do to make beneficial changes in organizations. We have presence, knowledge, passion and impact. The approach of this coaching process takes into account the following basic principles:
I. The current professional context which challenges us daily to change as an organization, as a team and as individuals.
We change to obtain the results that we want. The reasons for change vary from cost reduction to raising client satisfaction, to changing the business model or management scheme. The need for change is always determined by an opportunity or a problem to solve.
Be it a new CEO, a drastically changed market, a new company which was purchased and must be integrated, be it restructuring within the company, the Change Management process is a natural step, cyclical within every organization. Whether we are proactive or reactive, something will happen anyway but the more proactive we are towards change, the higher the chances of a positive outcome.
II. Organizational changes need mindset and organizational changes within the Board Management team as well as individual changes.
New processes and instruments alone are not enough to generate organizational changes, the individuals within the organization must most probably adopt new values and behaviors and start working in new ways.
III. The outcomes of organizational changes are the collective result of individual change.
Change, first and foremost, refers to individual efforts, human resources must be considered with priority. This means that the more the organization receives from its employees, the closer it gets to the desired outcome.
IV. Change Management is a framework which requests:
Managing the change in people, procedures, sometimes in organizational structure and sometimes in vision, other times in organizational values.
V. Change aversion
Is normal in organizations, especially the one where change is frequent. Using coaching to manage beneficial changes in Managers’ behaviours leads to a faster adaptation and improvement of group behavior.
VI. A transition model and a conscious change management process are needed, and coaching is one of the most attuned instruments to successfully lead this process of managing change and getting to the desired outcome.
Change Management coaching process helps you:
Reach desired outcomes
Reduce costs
Improve client experience
Change your business model (if this is what you are looking to do)
1.For the past 10 years I have been passionately studying the subject of change, including management change after many years of same leadership and I have supported several managerial teams through various processes of change.
2. I have written The Book about Changes ("Cartea despre schimbari") currently available only in Romanian.
3. I approach this process from the point of view of the most actual models of change management.
4. As qualitative, efficient change needs time, I keep close to teams for a long period of time, through short and efficient interventions, in order to support their reaching their final, measurable goals.
5.I love people and outcomes alike.
6.I have experience as a Manager and Coach within the corporate world.
7. I work with a team of professionals who can contribute, during the various stages of the process, towards improving aspects of applied leadership.