Maria-Iris Hoeppe
Master coach profesionist specializat in lucrul cu companii,performeri, top manageri si antreprenori
Where can you start making some beneficial changes with you or your team? You can use a few evaluation tools:
1.Multi-dimensional behavioral profile evaluations (personality, values, motiovation).
2. Inventory of leadership skills | analyzing the set of skills needed for a leader
3. Balance in the 7 areas of life self-analysis of the 7 domains: professional, family, health, intellectual, spiritual, social, physical.
4. Evaluation 360 ​​°.
360 ° high is an assessment tool and can manage care to help identify how care is caring or can work to lead response groups, care or have functional relationships. , as well as interactions in the organizational environment with labour rights are given feedback.
This is achieved through its feedback from the response groups such as: The evaluated person, the Superiors, the Subordinates, the Colleagues and others.
The 8 managerial competencies are analysed as well as the 18 skills.
Specifications that can be presented below.
1. Communication, Active listening, Information analysis, Direct communication;
2. Leadership, Integrity, Guidance, Delegation of tasks;
3. Flexibility, Situational Adaptability, Innovation;
4. Organizational Relationships, Work Relationships, Teamwork;
5. Processor management Efficient use of resources. professionalism;
6. Performance, Initiative and Problem Solving, Goal Orientation;
7. Coaching, Talent development, Team motivation;
8. Personal development, Demonstration involves. Continuous development.

5.Evaluations D.I.S.C for individuals and teams .
Are you trying to get to know your personality and the strengths in your professional activity better?
The DISC model offers you a valuable and professional perspective.
The DISC model is a standardized and relatively easy to use way of assessing personality styles. The classification in one of the 4 personality types (Dominant, Influent, Steady, Conscious) is made according to 2 scales: orientation towards people or towards tasks and their own pace fast or moderate.
Using the tool you can learn a lot about the behavioral models by which you are successful and you can have a perspective of what you could train, to move to a new level of performance and efficiency.
The psychometric evaluation profile DISC ® has> 50,000,000 respondents and over 80% as an accuracy margin. It is invented by Prof. William Marston (1893-1947), Jung's contemporary, graduate of Harvard University, Psychology (1915), Faculty of Law (1918), Doctor of Psychology, Harvard University (1921), Professor at American University, co - inventor of the Polygraph test successfully used today.
On 4 dimensions, out of 112 behaviors, you will have the opportunity to analyse the limiting and constructive behavioral patterns.
It can be used individually or in group level.