Maria-Iris Hoeppe
Master coach profesionist specializat in lucrul cu companii,performeri, top manageri si antreprenori

My Values

My whole activity is based on having a positive impact on individuals, groups and society.
I care and respect people for their essence and for their power to open both their soul and mind to make room for growth and development.
To offer the best coaching , facilitation sessions and consulting for international clients, individuals, groups and companies, using accurate professional tools .
To assist people to achieve clarity in their goals and power in achieving them, for personal and professional satisfaction.
To be internationally valued and contracted as exquisite efficient coach , consultant and coaching and consultancy company,
providing best support for clients to obtain clarity in mind, vision in goals, power in actions and fast results .
Supporting them intellectually and emotionally to deeply explore their full potential, and then achieving results: personal power , success and peace.
INTEGRITY : always respecting the word, being honest in all aspects of business activity .
CONFIDENTIALITY : all the information about the clients and from them are under full professional confidentially.
RESPECT : I respect the rhythm values and personality of the client
LOYALTY : I approach relations as long term win-win journeys and I behave allign to this.
GOOD WILL : the client is served promptly and for his highest best .The intention is to make the process fastest possible in achieving your goal . CARE : in everything I am doing , I look forward to a positive impact on individuals, groups and society . I care and respect people for who they are and for their strength to open their hearts and minds for growing.