Maria-Iris Hoeppe
Master coach profesionist specializat in lucrul cu companii,performeri, top manageri si antreprenori

I am a professional coach and leadership facilitator, accredited by the International Coaching Federation. For 9 years, that's what I do every day, I work individually and with teams that want to grow. I am 45 years old, and choosing to do coaching is a conscious, assumed choice
I managed portfolios of over 50 M €, in 2 different industries: industrial products and financial services, as commercial manager, and I have been challenged by many leadership issues, so I can have strong conversations, about awareness and actions that conduct to results.
In my 15 years of management in the B2B, I’ve seen impressive progress through coaching, which has strengthened my belief in it as support for business performance. I can accompany you to achieve results, new levels of awarness and growth, in Romanian, English and French language. I am connected to the current challenges in business, register > 4000 h of coaching with people from 20 cultures, I traveled to 33 countries, lived in 4, rezident now in 2, and I have an international family
My favorite work is middle team coaching, boarding directors of companies who face changes and want to create new visions, projects, team plans, or change paradigms in change management coaching programs. Depending on the size of the project, I work coaching independently or in team with 3 other coach partners.
I can work both on- line and on-site, in Romanian, English and French. For executives, the programs can also include leadership functional tools that can be deployed quickly as well as mentoring.
I conduct also team workshops:
Foundamentals of leadership
Coaching skills for managers
Collaborative leadership
Self leadership
DISC® workshop: Open your potential, read the others, act aware and efficient
Rafinate your negociations skills
I m the founder of LEADERSHIP INTEGRATIV www.leadership-integrative.com , I work with a team of 11 professional partner colleagues that offers specialized workshops in leadership, coaching & consultancy.
I think a leader is a person who wants more from himself first; a person who has chosen a mission beyond the comfort area of ​​a specialist, a mission that provokes him strongly every day, but also gives him more chances to evolve. As life is about learning, transformation, sharing, collaboration, I believe that everyone can leave a positive fingerprint and can ignite and sustain the "flame" of the others through constructive behaviors and attitudes. I think leaders are being educated, they are not born, and everyone in our lives comes to teach us something.

Publications and social actions

I am preoccupied about the thema “change”, that I study for more than 10 years, with all the parts and emotional resorts.
I sustain the workshops "I want a change in my life"
I am writing from time to time articles in Cariere, Femeia,
Elle and specialized sites in HR development.
I wrote the volume “The book about change”, best seller at category non fiction, romanian authors, InternaÈ›ional bookfest Gaudeamus, 2017.
In my personal life
I have a positive-realist nature, preocuppied always to learn more about the evolution of human beings on the mental, emotional and spiritual levels. I am a happy mother and wife, I love books, I read and write. I consider the simplicifty the ultimate sofistication, and therefore, a precius goal in all the area of my life. I am vegetarian, and look to make healthy choices in the way I live, I have a dog, I love nature and I am always in the research of rafinate the art of simple living. I share my time between France and Romania.

Executive Coach - Diploma from Coaching and Leadership Canada
Certified Power Coach – Diploma from Coaching and Leadership Canada
Team Coach - Diploma from Coaching and Leadership Canada
Associate Power Coach- Diploma from Coaching and Leadership Canada
Coaching for managers -Excello
Advanced Communication Course, Landmark Education
CBT Practitioner( practician in Terapie Cognitiv-Comportamentala, Curs de la Academia de Psihologie Moderna Aplicata)​
Professional Sports Psychology Diploma Course-Kew Academy UK, ( accr. CTAA)
Leadership program - Landmark UK
Registered Mentor Coach for APC and PCC, International Coaching Federation
Vocational couselor, ANC, code 242315
Law bachelor degree, Universitatea București.
19 professional courses ( sales & leadership)
Evaluation D.I.S.C®
Coaching Specialist ANC, code, 242412
Certification HOGAN: HDI, HDS, MVPI
MCC International Coaching Federation

Din cei aproximativ 50.000 de coachi din toata lumea, doar aprox.1000 dintre ei sunt coachi acreditati la nivelul maxim, acela de Master Certified Coach.
Unul dintre cei 1000, se afla in fața ta, acum.

I am moved, honored and grateful, whenever a person gives me the confidence to make a coaching trip together, I cherish the confidence and openness of people to new levels of consciousness and action, and I want to do everything to reward it by mobilizing together with them, for results everything I am and I know, with passion, modesty and dedication.
Cultivate your inner peace in order to be able to listen your soul's voice, who knows always the essence, the sense and the organization of the next action that are worth doing in your life.